"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Philippians 2:10-11
"Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
Matthew 28:19


Our mission is to fulfill the Great Commission by the end of our lifetime through contemplative action, communal spiritual multiplication, and the power of the Holy Spirit.


Who do you know that is crazy in love with Jesus? 

Who do you know that is confident and ready to disciple a hungry soul? 

 Where is the army of Christ like that of the early church? Where are the disciples with preferential option for the poor, ready to move from their home and live joyfully simple for the Gospel?

 Where is the church that has died with Christ and has risen into the fullness of His joy and freedomWhere is the church known for its passion for Jesus and its boldness in sharing his Gospel?


Our hearts ache for those who don't know Christ.

We are awakening the army of disciples in love with Jesus whose lives look like that of the Holy Bible.


 Our hearts ache for those who don't know Christ. We want to awaken an army of disciples in love with Jesus whose lives look like that of the Holy Bible. We expect to see prophesymiracles and physical healings confirming our proclamation of the Gospel. 

There is a crisis in our parishes: the Gospel is not being advanced and many souls are not in love with Jesus. This crisis will not be changed by words; it can only happen through living a resurrected culture of abundant life.

Revival demands radicality; it begins here and now, with you and me. 

We must live it.


We are faithful to the magisterium in all of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. We serve under joyful obedience to our Bishop of Lafayette, Louisiana, Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel.


We are Catholic missionaries who serve on teams composed of both singles and families living in low income neighborhoods whose mission is to reach every and all souls through revival in the parish. As a community, we journey alongside men and women through small groups as they fall in love with Jesus.

We empower teams to be confident risk takers with the Holy Spirit and equip them to go out and make missionary disciples who multiply, beginning in the parish, until the entire world is set ablaze.